bandwidth – The range of frequencies signal can carry.
barranca – A dry ravine or a steep depression between hills.
bar scale – The part of the map used to determine the scale of it. It is also known as linear scale.
baseline – The physical distance between base station and a rover receiver.
basemaps – The maps that are included when buying a GPS unit.
base station – A GPS receiver that is placed at a known location and that is used to collect and broadcast information to rover receivers. It is also known as a reference station.
bathymetric map – Type of map that measures the different depths across an underwater area as an ocean, sea or lake.
bathymetry – The measurement of depth of bodies of water.
bay – A body of water that is extending into the land.
beacon – Radio transmitter that sends signals in all directions. It is also known as non-directional beacon.
bearing – An azimuth; a horizontal direction of a line or direction of travel with true north or true south as a reference.
bench mark – A material object, natural or man-made, with a known elevation or horizontal location. Bench marks can be used as reference points when traveling a route or in determining the elevation of nearby land features.
bias – A systematic error that can cause true measurements to be different from observed measurements.
bitmap image – An image with 1 bit of color information per pixel, also known as a bitmapped image.
Bluetooth – A standard of radio technology that makes it possible to transmit signals over short distances between telephones, computers and other devices.
bogan – Canadian sluggish side stream. It is also known as logan pokelogan.
bosk – A small, wooded area.
bourn – A small stream.
bourne – Same as bourn.
BTGPS – Bluetooth GPS – See Bluetooth.
butte – Strange isolated hill that can sometimes have vertical steep walls and a small and flat top.