In addition to the free GPS software list, I’ve added this list of Free Geocaching Software. If you know of any additions or corrections to be made, please let me know. This list is current as of October 23, 2012.
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The most recently added Free Geocaching Software:
March 6 – HappyGeocaching
March 6 – Open Cache Manager
February 8 – Cachebox
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Free Geocaching Software
Cache Activity counts the number of finds for caches.
Cachebox is a geocache database for Windows Mobile. To use it you need GPX files available from geocaching.com
Cache Clusters finds groups of geocaches close together.
Cache Log Book logs your cache finds on your Palm OS based PDA.
Cache Logger Assistant cuts down the time it takes to log your geocaches after a day of caching.
CacheMagnet is a free, open source geocaching waypoint management program.
CacheMaps shows maps for selected geocaches.
Coin Logger Assistant cuts down the time it takes to discover trackables after an event or day of caching.
Finds and Finders keeps track of how many cachers have found your caches.
First to Find notifies you when new geocaches have been approved in your area.
FizzyCalc allows simple conversion of coordinates to various formats.
GCz – Geocaching application for Windows Mobile.
Geocache Navigator is free geocaching software for Nokia N95, N82, and 6110 Navigator GPS phones.
Geocacher 1.1 is a geocaching Java midlet for mobile devices.
Geocache Rating System figures out terrain and difficulty for your geocache listing.
Geocaching Quick Search – Search for caches by many different criteria.
GoogleEarthTweaker allows you to get a better display of Geocaching.com PocketQueries in Google Earth.
GPX Sonar is a complete cache management system.
GPX View manages GPX files.
GSAK – geocaching and waypoint management tool.
HappyGeocaching is a geocaching and waypoint management tool like GSAK, but this one is really freeware (not shareware).
iMapper allows you to view a GPS location online in any of several popular mapping sites.
Latest Cache Finder – Get that special GC number for your event or themed cache.
Open Cache Manager is an easy to use program for managing your geocaches, with the goal of being the Linux equivalent to GSAK.
PQ to HTML – view the information in a PQ file as a table in your favorite web browser.
Redundancy Remover strips redundant text from a geocache’s descriptions and logs.
richesseGPS is a small navigator for geocaching.
Watcher is a program that lets you view GPX files obtained from Pocket Queries.
Waypoint Difference Checker finds out what waypoints are different between two GPX files.
Waypoint Stitcher combines two or more GPX or LOC waypoint files into a single file.
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